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Pemo Slurry Pumps

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  8. Pemo Slurry Pumps


Vertical Slurry Pumps

pemo pum yellow blue vertical

VERTICAL SLURRY PUMPS are designed for industrial and mining applications where there is a need to transport abrasive, corrosive, or high-density slurries from sumps or pit. The vertical design allows the pump to be submerged in the slurry while the mechanical components, including the bearings and electric motor, remain out of the pumped media, making it efficient for removing settled solids. PEMO vertical slurry pumps are tailored for heavy-duty applications, providing reliable and efficient fluid movement from below ground level

The main advantages of vertical pumps are:

  • Space Efficiency: Vertical design saves ground-level space.
  • High Capacity and Pressure: Capable of handling high flow rate and pressures.
  • Durability: Built with materials resistant to abrasion and corrosion.
  • Dry run: for some models, there is also the possibility to run dry without damaging the pump.
  • Versatility: Suitable for a wide range of industrial applications.
  • Reliable Performance: Designed for consistent and reliable operation.

Brand: Perissinotto
Country of Origin: Italy


  • Designed for heavy duty slurry and/or acid applications in Vertical orientation.
  • The JOLLY Series slurry pumps are custom built to customer specifications.
  • The shaft is always supported above the baseplate by two bearings inside the base.
  • The pump-motor coupling is direct flexible or V-belt.
  • The maximum length of the pump under the base can reach 4-5 meters.
  • Using a sleeve bushing as the sealing system, the JOLLY Series slurry pumps cannot run dry under a certain level.
  • Capacities from 5 to 1500 m3/h.
  • Maximum discharge pressure from 6 to 7 bar.


The AUS Series slurry pumps can run dry since there is no mechanical seal.
Mechanically these slurry pumps are the same as the JOLLY series, but the maximum length of the AUS Series pump under the base rarely exceeds 2 meters
Usually, the fluid inlet is above the casing but in some versions it is also underside (two-sided impellers).
The AUS Series slurry pumps can be installed inside or outside tanks.


Horizontal Slurry Pumps

pemo horizontal pump red

Horizontal slurry pumps are indispensable in moving abrasive and corrosive liquids efficiently, these pumps are designed to handle liquids containing solid particles, making them the best choice in various industries such as mining, construction, and wastewater treatment.

Pemo’s horizontal slurry pumps are designed for specific industry and application’s, we can build it in the V-Belt and Direct drive versions. The Pemo horizontal pumps have a sealing system that consists of mechanical seals, with faces in Tungsten Carbide (widia) or of Silicium Carbide. Lubrication of the mechanical seals, can be made with flushing water at a determined pressure, or with water/glycol by means of different closed circuits with thermocycle or forced circulation. Lubrication of the bearings are greased or oil bath.

Pemo horizontal slurry pumps are available in singe stage, dual stage and triple stage and suitable to discharge pressure to over 200 metres.

Brand: Perissinotto
Country of Origin: Italy


  • Designed for heavy duty slurry and/or acid applications.
  • End suction pumps with single or double mechanical seals.
  • Capacities from 1 to 2.000 m3/h (5 to 8.800 gpm).
  • Maximum discharge pressure should not exceed 4 bar (60 psi).


Designed for slurries and/or acid applications. The heart of the PEMO product line, the AO/AB Series pumps are truly unique.  Due to the side inlet, the maximum pressure the mechanical seal will see is the fluid inlet pressure, greatly increasing life of the seal. When pumping acid liquids, the shaft and the mechanical seal housing can be made of special alloys. Maximum particle size is 2 mm though this is dependent on the specific application.

  • Capacities from 1 to 2.000 m3/h (5 to 8.800 gpm).
  • Maximum discharge head is 90 m (300 ft) in the Hardalloy PEMO design.

AO/AB/DC SERIES and AO/AB/TC SERIES (double and triple stage versions) Designed for slurries and/or acid applications. The AO/AB/DC Series and AO/AB/TC Series are the perfect solution for feeding filter press or ceramic spray dryer and slurry transfer. When pumping acid liquids, the shaft and the mechanical seal housing can be made of special alloys. Maximum particle size is 1 mm, though this is dependent on the specific application.

  • Capacities from 5 to 1.000 m3/h (22 to 4.400 gpm).
  • Maximum discharge head is 180 m (590 ft) in the Hardalloy PEMO design.


Submersible Slurry Pumps

pemo grey submersible

PEMO Submersible slurry pumps are installed in situations dealing with highly abrasive or corrosive fluids, operating in confined spaces, reducing noise, vibration or where managing deep installations are key requirements. The design allows for efficient and reliable performance in harsh and challenging environments, making them the ideal choice for many industrial applications. Typically, are made with special alloys, hard metal or wear-resistant rubber to endure the demanding conditions of slurry transport. They are also equipped with heavy-duty bearings and double mechanical seal to ensure reliable operation under challenging conditions.

Brand: Perissinotto
Country of Origin: Italy

Pemo Submersible slurry pumps offer:

  • High-Efficiency Motor: Class IE3 with power ranging from 1.1 to 90 kW and speeds from 735 to 3,500 rpm (50 and 60 Hz).
  • Standard Capacities: up to 700 m³/h
  • Maximum Pressure: up to 7 bar
  • Double Mechanical Seals: Back-to-back, with silicon carbide or tungsten carbide wear rings, oil lubricated.
  • Angular Contact Bearings: Life-lubricated and maintenance-free, designed to deliver long life.
  • Thermal and Oil Level Probes: All PEMO submersible slurry pumps are provided with a thermal probe (for motor temperature control, bimetal switch or PTC on request) and two oil level probes (for slurry leak detection inside the oil chamber).
  • Electric device: for analysing signals from the oil and thermal probes is included with the pump.
  • Mechanical or hydraulic agitators can be added to keep solids suspended in the slurry.